Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Okay since I'm writing these devotions 'from the heart' not using a book as a reflection point, I'm simply adding to each day's reflection. Question: Do I keep unfolding it so that each day within a week we are able to see where we've been? Or do I only publish the day's reflection. For the fun of it today I will do the 'add on' method. Let me know what you think (adebelak@redeemerluth.com )


In the beginning was all that is God. All that is God is reflected in all that is from the beginning. In this telling of the beginning, you already hear an assumption. God was already there - in place - ready for life to spring into action. Does this mean that someone who does not believe in the existence of God must disagree with what is said here. I don't think so. All that is God is what is known as God's love. It is the spark that begins the next moment. It is the spark that brings into the next moment a shape to that moment. I am surely stealing an idea when I say that the shape of that moment is the power to bring all things together within a relationship in which no part is left out or considered leftover.

Rather, in the beginning all things reflect the power of life that ceaselessly brings all things together. This is even the power that brings together all things that have already started to become separated. That is important to say because no one can see a time when there was not separation. So before there was the power among us to lead us away from one another or put us at odds with one another or make us point fingers of disapproval or condemnation, there was the power that is able to unite all things - a creative power so our of our control, we say it is separate from us - it is other - it is - holy.

Note that in the beginning all things 'reflect.'  It does not say 'reflected' as though there was one time in which this power of love was unleashed and available. We are constantly 'in the beginning' - that place and time when the power of love is working to make things new - creatively new - a new something that was not here just moments ago. The love of God is the beginning - always a beginning the world will find fresh and alive.

I want to hold onto God's love as the beginning. It is the power that moves us into creativity. It is the power that builds up and is able to open up that which was closed or appears to be closing down. In so many ways, we do not have much proof of the existence of God's love. Already in the beginning of this moment, we know of lives that are broken and relationship that are filled with more separation than unity. Despite the visibility of warfare and threat and coercion that makes today seem as though there is no possibility for a beginning to erupt among us - or the possibility of God's love to be a reality we can enter, we are encouraged to hold onto that which was in the beginning and is about to begin yet again - now. In our faithful story telling, I see this God who holds on to us before we think about holding on to this power of love. For in the beginning God's love already has us embraced and is whispering notions of peace and comfort and reconciliation into our hearts. For as much as I want to hold onto that love - that beginning, I am a part of that power by the sheer fact that I am here - now. The beginning power of love is the sustaining power that is hope that is always shaped by love.


Connection: I need to know that before me there was a power that still is. I need to wake up in the morning and know that there is a potential for the world to be amazed by the power of uniting and reuniting love that I often call God. That's me. I already know my shortcomings and I'm sure you have a longer list at which you could ask me to look. So I need to be shaken up to see I do not need to create something new today - I need only step into something or step onto something that has a history that is from the beginning of all things and shaping the beginning of this moment.


O God of love and new life, we are ready to be whipped up into your presence - that same presence we call Spirit or New Life.  Amen.






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