Monday, November 5, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Though we have been referring to Matthew for a quite awhile, Alison now points us to Mark to make a point about rivals and scandal.


The antidote to the rivalistic desire present among the disciples in their desire for greatness is the learning to recast desire in terms of seeking out and receiving the unimportant, like children (Mark 9:36-37). It is the unimportant ones who must not be scandalized (9:42), for it is they, marginal and peripheral to the complex world of adult desires bound up in scandal, who are able to receive the gratuity of God (10:14-15).


To make room for the less - the least - the forgotten - the ones who 'carry no weight' - is to make room for the Reign of God that comes not with our power but within the ever-unfolding power of the cross - that is life for all. When we are not able - or when we are unwilling - to seek the welfare of the least among us and to even give our lives for their well-being, the world will be tilted in favor of the powerful and they will have their way. Often that means the least will be pressed down for the benefit of those whose desires will not allow them to see the fullness and beauty of the life of others and thus the beauty of the community of diversity and unbounded welcome.


Connection: Can we make room - like in the manger? Can we make room - like Jesus when he has no room in the schedule of the day and yet he stops to heal even though his actions may bring folks down on his back? That may be the kind of questions we need to hold close to us as we wander though this day.


O God of life, inspire us to keep in mind the children - the least - the lowly. And then, inspire us to see to their inclusion among all the saints. Amen.






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