Thursday, February 6, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for February 6, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as divine character. If you have any comments - .


Well at least I have the right day today.

God as divine character brings us into the realm of the fullness of life that is possible within humanity. Rather than being distant, God as divine character does all that is possible to become known in the quite ordinary stuff of life - in order to demonstrate the true character of God. In the flesh we are able to experience all the pictures that are painted for us in Scripture: the mercy - the justice - the compassion - the love. All of these aspects of God's Reign must be see as truly alive or they are just words printed on a page or spoken aloud. Yet, from the page or from the voice there must be the life - the character - the divine that is no longer elsewhere. God as divine character is the way of peace that actually become a way - in a way that becomes us. God as divine character is a life that may look out of place - like God among humanity - but it is really the only place such a character is to come to life.


O God of love and new life, paint us into the picture of a world that brings your character into living color. Amen.








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