Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for November 19, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as masterfully creative. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as masterfully creative will always cause us to slip up as we go along our merry way. I find it to be like a good comedy. Everything is in place - all the right words - all the right friends - all the right moves in life - all the 'acceptable' standards, and then there is a turn in the road. It is usually a sharp turn - one that is often able to tip the cart and make us re-view where we are going and how we were planning to get there. The Reign of God as masterfully creative helps us see another side of life. Yes, we often have to slip into it in order to see it because we can be so hell-bent on what we want and how we want it, we would never end up with a view of the Reign of God so very near to us and yet so far off. Personally, I may slip and slide all over the place and just keep going on my way and then later it will hit me that I do not have to keep going along my way. Even when the Reign of God is being masterfully creative right in front of me, I often don't see it. It is once again a time when you may be the eyes I need to see it or the ears to hear it.


O God of love and new life, help us slip into the shoes of your Reign and begin to dance to a new beat.  Amen. 








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