Monday, February 9, 2015

Redeemer Devotions for February 9, 2015

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a pathway . If you have any comments .


The Reign of God as a pathway is something I really need to envision. There are weeks or days when I seem to be so 'off' - so 'out of it' - so 'lazy', that I need to know that life can still be transformed. It is then that I need to be reminded of this life that is always right out there in front of me - even as I feel so 'off' and 'out of it.' The Reign of God as a pathway is not run by how I feel. The pathway does not vanish when I'm not able to get up and get going. The pathway does not stay open only when I am walking on it. The Reign of God as a pathway is always there. Sometimes I stumble upon it as I am trying to go in another direction. Sometimes as I am attempting to go about life the way I want it to go, there is that pathway off in another direction inviting me to come and walk there. Last week I had a strange time of it. I was late getting things done - I was on top of other things - I had time to think - I felt like time was slipping away - I eventually got sick and slept longer than I have ever slept in one day. I was so off my game it was distressing. And yet, it is only as I have had the time to breathe today that I started to see that pathway again and life is not about being on my game. Now, I at least know there is a way forward.


O God of love and new life, be available again for us today.  Amen.








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