Sunday, May 8, 2016

When we see those "idiots over there" as the beloved

It just happens to be an election year in the U.S. Therefore, the language - the images - the bitterness - the jealousy - the envy - the rivalry - the fear - the anger - the distain - the downright unwillingness to seek the well-being of the other - is simply missing. It is as though we have lost touch with the fact that nothing of real substance separates me from you. Therefore, we create and sustain a bit more of hell within our daily lives. We even do that with religious words and names that are meant to show people how holy we are. For those religious words and names are masterfully used as weapons to help our side demonize the other side. And yet, as we cast onto the scene our religious words that we claim are gracious and loving, those words are used to create division and hatred and discord. Odd.

I don't think I am alone when all I need to bring out the worst in me - even under the guise of being better - right - more loving - is to see someone I cannot stand to see or hear. In the twinkling of an eye, the demonization is set and it is so very hard to undo that image of my making. Once I have created an idol that I worship (meaning a god I control and create and sustain with my all my life) it is almost impossible to destroy that idol in order to experience the other person or side within some degree of honor and respect and hopefulness. In other words, I operate in the midst of the power of hell. I no longer need to be concerned with going to hell - I'm in it - I'm an operative - I stoke the flames of division and death. 

Then I wondered. Would it start to look a bit more like heaven if I saw in others the beloved that Gods sees? I might be quick to ask how could they be beloved - right? And yet, I trust that such a description is one that is called into being as God embraces the whole creation. It is not a badge that is earned - an award that is won - a right that is gained - a right, religious, rule unbendingly followed. It is quite simply the power that makes us human. It is the power that is able to bridge the gap between me and you - even when everything I have worked to create for myself seems to be drawn into question or threatened by you. It is the power of being made in the image of God. Yes, it means that even that one over there is beloved - even when it is almost impossible to imagine.

This never means we simply throw out that which makes us different. Rather, we are given the opportunity to be at peace with others - listen to what is other than me - speak up expecting that others also will listen. That is how heaven comes down around us. It takes place when we let go of all the powers we seek to gain or claim as our own and then lean in to experience the likes of the other. I always like to say we become available to all and we become vulnerable to all. 

The differences may persist but we can be a part of the power that does not add to the separation that is so visible in our time. The hope - a reality not yet but pressing into each moment - is that death and all of its power will lose its control of us. Remember, that within the moments this all takes place - even short, infrequent moments - heaven opens up and we are taken up into the beloved wonder of God's creativity among us. For the fun of it, imagine how we could be a part of the reframing of a world full of ugly words and demonizing antics. Then, let heaven reign among us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded of one of the hardest tenants of Buddhism, that all people are basically good. It doesn't mean they do good things all the time or are even nice people, but rather that all people have inherent worth and dignity and that all beings have the power to awaken.
