Monday, December 23, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for December 23, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as Glory in time and space. If you have any comments - .


On Christmas Eve I thinking of spending some time with the Shepherds. In the middle of the Advent of our God - in the middle of all that was promised - in the middle of words of the Messiah - in the middle of the voices of the prophets sharing their vision of the transformation of all things, we get shepherds on a hillside. God as Glory in time and space includes the hillsides on which the poor were just getting by making sure that every sheep was counted and none had been lost - making sure that the owners of the sheep would not dismiss them if they messed up and cost the owners money. As I just wrote that, I thought of fast food workers tending the grill by night. More and more they are tending well into the night in order that life is more convenient for others. Their pay - never enough even if it is their second job. God as Glory in time and space is the God who does not forget those on the hillsides - in the dark of night - outside the towns and villages - out of sight. God as Glory in time and space introduces us to just how full the fullness of the Lord God really is. It is enough to amaze and confuse and open up the hearts of those who seem to be ignored and those who may feel as though they are ignored as the world passes them by.


O God of love and new life, catch us up into your Glory that we may see the expansiveness of your coming. Amen.








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