Wednesday, June 5, 2002

Thursday, 6 June, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.


The word "righteous" used to grate on my ear, for years I was able to hear it only in its negative mode, as self-righteous, as judgmental. Gradually, as I became more acquainted with the word in its biblical context, I found that it does not mean self-righteous at all, but righteous in the sight of God. And this righteousness is consistently defined by the prophets, and in the psalms and gospels, as a willingness to care for the most vulnerable people in a culture, characterized in ancient Israel as orphans, widows, resident aliens, and the poor.... Much of the fabled wrath of God in Hebrew scriptures is directed against those who preserve their own wealth and power at the expense of the lowly; someone who won't pay a fair wage, for example, or who mistreats an immigrant laborer.

Norris goes on to say that righteous means at its root: one whose aim is true. It takes vision to understand and see the meaning of righteous. The vision, if full and adequate, is the vision of the reign of God. If we are not inspired by the Spirit of God, we will tend to see only our own side and our own ways and we will do anything we can to keep things as they are best for "me" and my own. It is no wonder that the "righteous" are those who keep their eyes and their concerns with the least, the lowest and the little ones. I know that movies are not the best way to receive information, but when I watch the movie "Ghandi" (and I do so regularly) they were able to capture his righteous vision for life. He could have stayed within certain bounds...still made changes but also still kept certain things in place (especially divisions). And yet, he pressed on even to the point at which he places himself in danger and a position of utter humiliation. But, for the "welfare of all" a righteous person would give even one's life. Sound quite like Jesus doesn't it?!? Though it would have been politically prudent for Jesus to act in ways other than what he did, he had this vision...this ability...this gift to see the reign of God already coming into focus and to life...already in his everyday living.

Connection: Remember to take a deep breath the next time you are faced in this day with a choice that will invite you to aim at what is true. The breath may be just enough of a prayer to give you space to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and act in a whole new way...righteous are the beloved of God.

Loving Lord, you shape us by the power of you Spirit that we would never lose touch with those around us who are also created in your image and called you own. In all that is big and small within our lives, keep us focused on the care and well-being of all your beloved. Amen

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