Monday, July 29, 2002

Monday, 29 July, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.


Over time, I have learned two things about my religious quest: First of all, that it is God who is seeking me, and who has myriad ways of finding me. Second, that my most substantial changes, in terms of religious conversion, come through other people. Even when I become convinced that God is absent from my life, others have a way of suddenly revealing God's presence. When I think of how the process works, I recall the scene at Calvary, as depicted in John's Gospel, when Jesus sees his mother standing near a disciple. "Woman," he says to her, "here is your son. [And he says] to his disciple, 'Here is your mother'" (John 19:26-27) It is through Jesus Christ, and the suffering Christ at that, that God seeks us out and gives us to each other.

I find great encouragement when I think of our God seeking us. That encouragement grows as I trust that God is not far off...but right here. As fast as I let my life run away and attempt to find or seek something I think will be good for me...God seeks and pursues and abides with me. Whether I ask for it or not. With this God who is seeking us, there is no time when I must do something or get somewhere or go through a ritual in order to be in the presence of the one who creates all things. Already God is here...already I can rest...already God makes for this day to be new. I'm not good at seeking out answers. In fact I often fall quite short. I can only say thanks to God for seeking me out and grabbing hold of me and making sure that new life is always available by God's power and love.

Connection: There are many people who are seeking...looking...unsure of what life will bring. Part of what we are called to do as followers of Jesus is to invite those who are lost and come and hear about our God who is eternally "for us" and making our day full of elements of the reign of God.

Lord of Life, you bring to us many ways to enliven our day and see the depth of life that you present to all your children. Within the fast pace action of this day, remind us to rest in you and experience the peace that passes all understanding along a journey in life that is within your grasp. Amen.

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