Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Thursday, 25 July, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.


I find that I appreciate mysticism best in its most ordinary manifestation, as a means for tapping into the capacity for holiness that exists in us all. A first-time mother or father, for example, engaged in giving their baby a bath, will suddenly realize that this is about more than getting an infant clean. Time may feel suspended; the light in the room, the splashing water, the infant's cooing with delight, the skin-on-skin feel of loving touch - all of it might come together so powerfully that the parent inhabits in a more complete way this new and scary identity as "parent." And, at this moment it is pure joy. In traditionally contemplation, which always leads away from the self and back toward God, this realization would lead to a heightened empathy for all parents and children, a fuller understanding of the fact that - to quote a line of Meridel Le Sueur - "No woman gives birth to an enemy face." Ultimately the experience would confirm a sense of the wonder and mystery of the human body, and of all human life.

This has always been an interesting concept to me. I remember listening to Herb Brokering when he was teaching an education class back when I was in seminary. He is an odd and gifted person. He writes poetry, music and comments on life. He sees what is in front of him and he sees more than is what in front of him. Because he seems to be able to see more than what is appears to be present, he has a way of highlighting the eternal present in moment...the extraordinary in the ordinary. Mystics don't take us away from life...they help us look again and again at what is utterly common. In that way, there need not be any time in our day in which we are not given the blessed opportunity to see God's Reign breaking in all around us.

Connection: Sometimes, a simple conversation with an ordinary day like today can become for us a mystical experience in which we come to a greater appreciation of life. I suppose we could say the only preparation for such an experience is letting ourselves enter it - fully.

Lord God, you bless us in so many ways throughout this day. You bring into our lives many people and moments and situations in which we are given the opportunity to take a look at your cosmic rule. Be with us in the smallest moments of this day and those that seems to be bigger than we can ever imagine. Amen

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