Friday, January 24, 2003

Friday, 24 January, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

The word of the cross is not: "I will love you if you become perfect," but "While we were yet sinners, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly" (Romans 5:6-8) Luther understood this profoundly. On the basis of the self-justifying works of the law, the holy God would not let sin go unpunished. Yet on the basis of the gospel, God is merciful precisely toward humbled sinners.

Origen grasped it just as clearly in the third century. "Christ died not for the godly but for the ungodly. For we were ungodly before we turned to God, and Christ died for us before we believed. Undoubtedly he would not have done this unless either he himself, or God the Father, who gave up his only-begotten Son for the redemption of the ungodly, had superabundant love towards us.

"On the basis of the gospel" is the place in which we begin our journey as the followers of Jesus. There may be many other words heard within the scriptures, but we return to the word that is our defining word - the gospel. For on the basis of the gospel, God is for us before it would enter our minds or our hearts to trust God. The story of God's "superabundant" love precedes our actions and it does not count on our actions for its power to be unleashed. In fact, the power of the Good News acts for us before we turn to turns us. We are given the strength to trust God at God's word for us and walk forward as though no other word will have a say over us.

Connection: This is powerful stuff. It may sound like just words. But these are words that will not fade and these are words that have a history of grasping the saints of old and making for a new life when there appeared to be no possibility of life.

Before we move or speak, O Lord, you are with us and you promise to abide with us no matter what the day may bring into our lives. Empower us with your Holy Spirit so that we may be joyfully aware of your superabundant love towards us. Amen.

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