Monday, January 27, 2003

Monday, 27 January, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

"Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him." (Romans 5:9)

We have been justified by what Christ has done, and not by the way we have responded to him. Our affirmative response merely confirms the value of the gift God has given. Justification is God's work, not (humanity's). It is a decision of the Judge, not of the accused who prior to his/her pardon is guilty as charged.

I know that some people are turned off by the notion of Jesus' blood shed or spilled out "for us." For some it sounds a sacrifice...and that is out of the realm of their thinking. I wonder if that use of the idea of being "justified by his blood" brings us back to the complete one sided action of God's justification. What brings life to a person in ancient days was the blood. It is exactly why kosher meats are from animals killed in a way that drains the blood from the animal before it is available for human consumption. Like God acting for the people of Israel in Egypt in the story of the exodus when the lamb's blood was put on the door posts of their homes - to completely protect them. God acted. God protected. No life. When people try to press the point that a person needs to make a "decision" to follow Jesus, remember that it is always the decision of God to be for us that is the power for the life that comes to all the followers of Jesus. We are the people God has fashioned. We are a gifted people who "merely confirm the value of God's gift freely given to us.

Connection: The very life force of our God is spilled for us. It is to be a statement that carries more power than any other statement that can be said about us. Trust it. We do not have to play games that deal with whether or not we deserve it or have done anything correctly to have God so much on our side. In a day when people are told to "trust the pizza"...first trust that which is the power for new life every day.

Lord, your love for us is the very foundation from which we move into the adventure of life within this day. You have colored everything with your loving kindness and therefore our lives are full of the colors of hopefulness. Praise be to you. Amen.

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