Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Tuesday, 21 January, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

Answering the question "What is Justification?" Oden writes:

It is not that the law is blandly relaxed or dishonestly set aside. Rather, the law is declared to be fulfilled in an even stricter sense: by the Judge himself, by his own sacrificial offering of himself as he himself fulfills the requirements of the law for us! This happens by imputing or crediting to the believer by God himself the perfect righteousness of his representative and guarantee: God the Son, Jesus Christ (Rom10:3-9).

Notice where all the action is in regard to how we are justified. The Judge acts...and the Judge acts on our behalf...for us...doing what you would think we are to do in order to fulfill the law. In many ways we must take a look at what that does to the whole notion of "judgment." The one who judges us...is completely on our side. What is called "Judgment Day" is not something to be feared for we know the Judge and the Judge credits us with the "perfect righteousness of his representative and guarantee: God the Son, Jesus Christ." That's a pretty powerful endorsement! That is a gift. That...when trusted...is the power to live a whole new life and look at our world and our relationships within a whole new light.

Connection: As followers of Jesus we do not say "if this is the case." We say, in faith, "This is the case." No additions...no conditions. This is the case and this is how we can face what is to come around the corner of this day.

Lord of Life, by your amazing grace you act on our behalf and you promise to see us within the light of Christ Jesus and through your sacrificial love for us. We give you thanks as we long to trust your word of life for us and live within its glory and light. Amen.

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