Friday, February 7, 2003

Friday, 7 February, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

At the end of the week, we begin what will be an adventure into the meaning of "grace."

Grace is the favor shown by God to sinners. Grace is a pivotal word in all biblical and classic Christian teaching. It embraces all the blessings of salvation. It encompasses all the gifts by which God communicates (God's) own self-giving.

As the unmerited favor of God, grace may point to:

an era of history in which God's mercy is shown to transcend the law; or

an encompassing relation of reconciliation of humanity with God; or

a special gift that enables one to perform a distinctive service by God's help.

Oden also notes that "Grace is the divine good will offered to those who do not deserve it and can never earn it. Sometime, the words "unconditional love" are substituted for the word "grace." The reason given is that people today don't really understand "grace" means. Unfortunately, I don't think we really know what "unconditional love" really means. We quite naturally put conditions on all of our loving. That is part of that "turned-in-on-self" that keeps us and our kind as the center of the universe and often against "them." In addition to that minor point is the more dramatic one for me. Unconditional love does not catch the great expanse of God's grace. If you were able to offer me two things -unconditional love or the grace of God- I wouldn't even look twice at unconditional love. The is already in the package included in grace. Unconditional love is one of the dramatic colors in a painting of grace but...there is so much more action and color and depth to God's grace. I hope we will take a more in depth look at this many faceted gift to us.

Connection: By grace we enter this day and we are given the opportunity to look and hear and touch the world around us trusting that our God will be with us to shape any and all the moments of our lives. What does it mean for us when we can rise in the morning and then slide into bed at night knowing that our God if forever with us and will continue to be the power of life that leads to wholeness and peace, mercy and kindness, love and forgiveness? I would submit it mean an whole new world.

Lord God, you bless us and bring us into the freedom and life of your gracious reign. In you we find the possibility for life that transcends the life we attempt to make for ourselves. As we walk through this day, remind us of your gracious presence that makes for peace in the midst of our warring world. Amen.

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