Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Wednesday, 19 February, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

Forgiveness and pardon are related metaphors belonging to very different arenas of analogy.

Pardoning is an action that takes place in a courtroom.

Forgiveness is an act that occurs within primary face-to-face relationships, especially in the family and sustained friendships.

...These are different ways of looking at the same event: The sinner is being forgiven through the mercy of God in Christ, which enables the sinner to be declared by God the judge as justified, since the sinner is united with Christ's righteousness, so that one's sins are covered over. Each verb amplifies the meaning of the other: God gives, forgives, justifies, pardons, remits, covers sin, and reckons faith for righteousness. These are not different events, but differing language for the same event. One is declared justified because of the pardon.

The relational aspect of forgiveness must never be ignored. It is by way of God love for us that all this action by God is done for us. We are not mere objects moved through a system of "pardon." We are always within the relationship God has made with us. Even when we see ourselves walking away from this relationship or see others who seem to be walking away from God , God never lets down and gives up on the relationship. God's love for us takes over from any other power or opinions or rules that may try to rule us. This loving relationship is the beginning of all new life...without exception.

Connection: Christ stands with us so that we may stand up and be counted as one of God's beloved today. That is the power that comes to us each and every day and gives us our character in all the situations of this day. No one can take that place/relationship away from us.

Comforting Lord, you will never leave us alone to stand on our own works. You alone have promised to be our rock, our foundation, and the very substance of our lives. To you we give thanks and praise. Amen.

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