Monday, October 27, 2003

Monday, 27 October, 2003

We begin with pieces from “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Attempts will be made to soften the heavy male imagery.

Already in the possibility of the knowledge of good and evil Christian ethics discerns a falling away from the origin. (Humanity) in (its) origin knows only one thing: God. It is only in the unity of (humanity’s) knowledge of God that (one) knows of other (people), of things, and of one’s self. (Humanity) knows all things only in God, and God in all things. The knowledge of good and evil shows that (humanity) is no longer at one with this origin.

I will be spending a few days dealing with this notion of the “knowledge of good and evil” because it will form an interesting foundation for a look at the Reign of God in contrast to living simply a “good” life. In the beginning…at the origin of all things…we are told of a relationship with God in which we have a focus for life that flows from God. Therefore, there is a creative unity with God and one another. There is no competition to see who is best or who can out perform others or who is living in a “right” or “wrong” manner. Instead, our origin springs forth from the God who blesses and makes all things whole – united – one. When we begin to take our eyes off of that ground of creation and begin to test our ability to evaluate this and that…something becomes lost and there begins a never ending downward spiral where disunity reigns.

Connection: Good and Evil…how often during the day do we divide our world into such categories? But then, what are we using for our criteria for such division? Prayerfully we must wrestle with the vision that comes from before good and evil attempt to divide this day. We may begin by simple asking one another – who says this or that is good or evil…and why do we have to hold the same ideas?

Creator of All Things, bind us together within the vision of your shalom so that we may continue to re-view your blessed creation and the position in which you have placed us as your beloved children. Turn our hearts to you alone. Amen

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