Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Thursday, 2 October, 2003

From “The Cross in our Context” by Douglas John Hall

“One of Luther’s most profound insights was that God made (God’s) self small for us in Christ. In so doing, (God) left us our freedom and our humanity. (God) showed us (God’s) heart, so that our hearts could be won” [Paul Tillich]. The passage goes on to recognize that the human longing for a God of power and glory is very strong – which is of course why so much religion and so much political ideology can capitalize on it. We yearn for a God who sets everything to rights – indeed, who prevents wrong from occurring in the first place. But in such longings we overlook the fact that to have such a God we should have to relinquish our own freedom and become automatons who could only do right.

Language is wonderful when we are trying to communicate the wondrous love and grace of God. Luther’s “God made God’s self ‘small for us’ in Christ” captures some of very deliberate character of our God. God will be with us…even if God must work out a way to be with us in our smallness…nothing is impossible for God. To look at it another way, God’s greatness is made manifest and concrete in the smallness of our humanity. Our humanity becomes the vehicle for communicating the love and grace of God. Now what does that say about our humanity –yours and mine- when we today claim to be “in Christ, Jesus”?

Connection: Do worry about the smallness of this day. It is the place in which God is made known to the world. You are a part of that very human network of loving communication.

Liberating Lord, you come among us and stir up in our hearts a love that is the power to change the whole of creation. Just as the swirling gases at the beginning of time were transformed into this grand creation, you promise to take our lives and transform them into your gracious word alive for the welfare of all. Praise to you Creator and Spirit, Living Word and Eternal Companion. Amen.

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