Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Thursday, 23 October, 2003

From “The Cross in our Context” by Douglas John Hall

The most successful churches on this continent are those that present Jesus and the divine kingdom as the most desirable sort of “product” that one could ever want to acquire. Where is the Good Friday – or, indeed, the East – motif? The Gospels record that upon the arrest and condemnation of Jesus, all his followers “forsook him and fled,” and the resurrection at least in the earliest account (that of Mark) produced in its first witnesses not Easter-lily jubilation but “terror and amazement” (Mark 16:8). How does it happen that the whole population of the United States of America manifests, according to the assumptions of megachurchianity, a strong compulsion to get as close to Jesus as possible? What a marvel!

I am always perplexed by what it means when we are called to follow Jesus. Sometimes I must admit that perplexed is a good English word to describe what was going on in Mary when the angel comes and tell her what is to be. Perplexed! It’s kind of like “okay…but what, how, when, are you sure?!?” The wide open arms of the Reign of God are the source of all comfort but also the source of the greatest times of perplexity. For with open arms comes more than I can imagine fitting into my vision and my grasp. The cross and the resurrection are frightening events. And yet, they pull us beyond ourselves into a vision for life that does not settle for what is always the status quo. That….has never has been an attractive vision in this world. We like success and measurable goals and standards that can be met and exceeded. How do we exceed death and resurrection? We cannot. To follow Jesus is to be brought down low and lifted up high through the sheer grace of God that beckons us to give our life within the loving of others. Sometimes I think it is better for us to grow in depth of “Reign of God” character than to spend our time thinking about what will sell in the marketplace.

Connection: What does it mean for you to get “really close to Jesus” today? What life will come from such a question? Here’s where we must use our faithful imaginations and go for it.

Lord of All Life, take us and hold us…shake us and move us…pull us into your blessed Reign and grant us the peace to be a part of your liberating Word. Amen.

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