Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Thursday, 13 November, 2003

We begin with pieces from “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Jesus’ saying [“But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what they right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret” Mt.6:3ff] is not directed against boastfulness or self-satisfaction of the (person) who has done good; but once again He is striking at the heart of the (person) who lives in disunion. He forbids the (person) who does good to know of this good. The new knowledge of the reconciliation which is accomplished in Jesus, the knowledge of the voiding of the disunion, itself entirely voids (humanity’s) own knowledge of (humanity’s) own goodness.

We begin in Jesus. We begin in the new creation. We begin in union with God because of God’s action in Christ, Jesus. That is the beginning and that is the end. No need to listen to another story. No need to keep score…of our own actions or the actions of others. We live under the Reign of the one who does all the counting and the balance sheet will be and is always in our favor…for us. So, in the actions of our lives we are free from our own judgments for we count only on God’s sacrificial love for us that we know in Christ. In addition, no one…no person…no power…can judge us and have it be the last word – even when they may want just that and even if they appear to be right in their judgment about us. We are claimed, redeemed, sanctified, blessed, beloved…and that action & word by our God dismantles all other words.

Connection: It is easy to forget or choose to ignore the gospel truth. There is no room for judgment…of any kind. For all things are now seen through Jesus’ sacrificial love for all. Therefore, what will be the guiding light of this day for you?

O Most High God, with a simple word…you create all things and bring from nothing brilliant life that is meant to shine forth with your glory. Inspire us to trust your creative and saving power so that this day may be filled with the kind of love that makes all things new…all things. Amen

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