Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Tuesday, 4 November, 2003

We begin with pieces from “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matt. 7.1). This is not an exhortation to prudence and forbearance in passing judgment on (another human), such as was also recognized by the Pharisees. It is a blow struck at the heart of the one who knows good and evil. It is the word of Him who speaks by virtue of his unity with God, who came not to condemn but to save (John 3:17). For (humanity) in the state of disunion, good consists in passing judgment, and the ultimate criterion is (humanity itself). Knowing good and evil, (humanity) is essentially a judge. As a judge (humanity) is like God, except that every judgment (humanity) delivers falls back upon him/herself.

I always find it odd that the Church of Jesus, Christ, is known to the so many people as a judging group of folks. It is not that we are known for doing the right thing. It is more that we are known for judging others when we think people are doing wrong. That is so unfortunate. It is no wonder so many people turn from the church…then again…that is why so many people turn to the church – to be people who are given the task of being the gatekeepers of right and wrong. Nothing is more powerful than being able to sit on the side that is able to judge the world. But that is not the Church! Wouldn’t it be an interesting world if we were known as people who actually love the world – who give our lives for the sake of others…even the others we are usually want to judge?!?!

Connection: Judge not…love much. What will that do to this day!?

Blessed Lord, God, you come into our lives to save us. Within that journey of love, you sacrifice yourself so that we may be free and find another way to live within this day. Encourage us to follow the lead of our Lord, Jesus, and be a witness to your eternal grace and love. Amen

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