Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Thursday, 6 November, 2003

We begin with pieces from “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

…judgment is evil because it is itself apostasy, and that is also the reason why it brings evil fruit in the human heart…

“Judging” is not a special vice or wickedness of the disunited (person); it is his/her essence, manifesting itself in speech, action and sentiment. It is true that the Pharisee is seen in this light only from the standpoint of unity already recovered, from the standpoint of Jesus. The Pharisee him/her self can know him/her self only in his/her virtues and vices, but not in his/her essence, in his/her apostasy from the origin. Only the overcoming of the knowledge of good and evil can bring about the conversion of the entire existence of the Pharisee; only Jesus can overthrow the authority of the Pharisee which is founded upon the knowledge of good and evil.

Apostasy is defined as: An abandonment of one’s religious faith (to stand away from). Judgment is apostasy because it causes us to stand away from the grace of our Lord, Jesus. It sets us up within the domain of our own rule - the rule of the knowledge of good and evil – rather than the domain where Jesus alone is Lord, and Judge. We cannot be a merciful judge on our own. We will judge the way we see it…from our own eyes. The Good News calls us to see all things from the gracious throne room – banquet room – of the Christ of God. In essence, it means we lay down our lives and pick up new ones. That is the imagery of baptism. We die to the old…to our way…to the many ways we “stand away” from our God, and we are lifted up by the power of the Holy Spirit into the realm of Jesus’ love of all – that saves rather than condemns.

Connection: Many times in this day, we will choose to “stand away from” Jesus Reign. It will happen for many and various reason. We are always welcome back. Our God even comes to stand beside us when we are trying to “stand away” from God’s rule. Maybe we need to give ourselves to time to see and hear God at our side inviting us to walk into a new light.

By your grace, Blessed Lord, you bring us into your embrace and lead us into the lasting power of your mercy and the many ways in which reconciliation can become the pattern of our daily actions. Continue to pull us into your loving Reign and breathe upon us with your Spirit of new life. Amen.

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