Thursday, September 30, 2004

Thuesday, 30 September, 2004

This week's devotions are written by Redeemer member Judith Bird.

According to "Exploring Faith Maturity," the third indicator of faith maturity is integrating faith and life.

"As people mature in their faith, they see more and more ways their faith influences their lives." However, "practicing what you preach" is often difficult. Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Using the following scale, score yourself on the following five statements:

1 = Never true

2 = Rarely true

3 = True once in a while

4 = Sometimes true

5 = Often true

6 = Almost always true

7 = Always true

___ I give significant portions of time and money to help other people.

___ My faith helps me know right from wrong.

___ I try to apply my faith to political and social issues.

___ My faith shapes how I think and act each and every day.

___ My life is committed to Jesus Christ.

Add your scores and divide by five. If your average is higher than five, this dimension of faith is well-developed.

Connection: Define what it means to commit your life to Jesus. What does that look like to others?

Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the courage to speak up and live out my faith in you. Amen.

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