Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wednesday, 22 September, 2004

This week's devotions are written by Redeemer member John Caron.

This series of devotions will reflect on the rich material contained in the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW). Some of the texts will be familiar to those in the Lutheran tradition while others will be from infrequently used liturgies.

Heavenly Father, in whom we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Responsive Prayer 2
LBW, p. 166

One definition of sin is to turn inward to oneself - in other words, to perceive reality in ever narrowing concentric circles until, ultimately, the "self" becomes the only reality. We laugh at television and movie characters who are hopelessly self-absorbed, but in reality, such people live a very sad and unfulfilled existence. This prayer reminds us to focus on the present and to be aware of the wider context of our lives. To draw inward and put our ultimate concern on day-to-day cares could be legitimately called idolatry. It is vital that we all find ways to remain in touch with the presence of God in our lives. It could be a reminder e-mail, or a beep on the watch, or a phone call from a friend or family member. Whatever it takes, we need to continually refocus our vision on the Lord that ever abides with us on our journey.

Connection: My work life is crazy. Usually I love what I am doing, but it can be incredibly consuming. One day, in the middle of thirty or forty things, I got a phone call from someone at church. Without knowing it, this person pulled me out of all the distractions long enough to remember that there was so much more to my life than just the activities at hand. We may walk in God's sight, as the prayer says, but that doesn't mean that we are seeing God. Sometimes we need the ministry of one another to wake up and see the Baptism!

Prayer: We are quick to replace you with the distractions of work, school, or personal relationships. Help us to find ways to stay connected to you and to your vision and ministry.

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