Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Wednesday, 29 September, 2004

This week's devotions are written by Redeemer member Judith Bird.

According to "Exploring Faith Maturity," the second indicator of faith maturity is seeking spiritual growth. "It takes time and practice to grow in our faith. We have to find time and opportunity to practice. We need to pray and study the Bible."

Using the following scale, score yourself on the following four statements:

1 = Never true

2 = Rarely true

3 = True once in a while

4 = Sometimes true

5 = Often true

6 = Almost always true

7 = Always true

___ I devote time to reading and studying the Bible.

___ I seek out opportunities to help me grow spiritually.

___ I take time for periods of prayer or meditation.

___ As I grow older, my understanding of God changes.

Add your scores and divide by four. If your average is higher than five, this dimension of faith is well-developed.

What are the implications in John 15:1-11, where Jesus compares himself to the vine and his followers to the branches, for spiritual growth?

Connection: For the remainder of the week, commit to spending five minutes more a day to reading the Bible and praying.

Prayer: O Lord, be with me and guide me in this journey of faith as I seek to increase my understanding of your Word. Amen.

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