Thursday, November 11, 2004

Friday, 12 November, 2004

This week's devotions are written by Redeemer member John Caron.

To eat bread is a material act, to break and share it, a spiritual one.

Nicholas Berdyaev

in Shantung Compound

Another way to look at the distintion between the material and spiritual acts would be to say that one is about consumption, while the other is about reaching out. It is not that one is bad while the other is good. It is about shifting our attitudes so that our focus is not on sustenance but upon relationships, healing, and mutuality. It is about taking a necessary activity (eating) and making it about brilding relationships with others through the common and simple act of eating.

Connection: Take this concept even wider. We consume, produce, and perform all throughout our day. We go through the acts necessary for living in our modern work -- and most of the time, we are so caught up in the mundain tasks of life that we miss the opportunities to make them "spiritual." Look for the opportunities to build relationships and forge connections with others in our lives. Focus in the meaningfulness of these acts as we move through live. Enjoy the depth of what and who is set before us.

Prayer: Help us to see, help us to be present in the moment, help us to move beyond doing and into being. Amen.

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