Tuesday, January 18, 2005

19 January 2005

Hope is on the screen again - from, "In the End - The Beginning."

Christianity is wholly and entirely confident hope, a stretching out to what is ahead, and a readiness for a fresh start. Future is not just something or other to do with Christianity. It is the essential element of the faith which is specifically Christian: the keynote of all its hymns, the dawn colouring of the new day in which everything is bathed. For faith is Christian faith when it is Easter faith. Faith means living in the presence of the risen Christ, and stretching out to the coming kingdom of God.

The "fresh start" can be a simple as a fresh start for me. A fresh start when there seems to be no place to go or no one who will have me. The fresh start of God's Reign cannot be dismissed for it awaits our entrance. But we don't always want to go there. Sometimes it is better to stay in the past and wallow in defeat and discouragement...but that is really never true. It is never better for our life today to stay grounded in the debris of yesterday. God promises a future and we are invited into a confident place in which God defines us and we have nothing to say about it except, of course, "Yes God." The future is a gift and it contains the life that has been waiting for us...we need only follow the power of the Holy Spirit that keeps trying to pull us into God's promised Reign.

Connection: Take a bath in the power of God's Reign that is yanking at us and making room for us. What a way to wake up and walk through what can be a pretty sorry day sometimes.

Hand us this day as you have always promised, O God. We are too often tired of the ways things have been but then, we do not have the energy to even trust that you - the Creator of all that is and will be - will sustain us and bring us into new life. Feed us with you Bread of life today. Amen.

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