Wednesday, January 26, 2005

27 January 2005

We pick up today with a quote from Jurgen Moltmann that was started yesterday.

If we talk about 'the second coming' of Christ, the present is empty, and all that is left to us is to wait for some far-off, final Judgement. But if we talk about 'Christ's coming', then he is already in the process of coming, and in the power of hope we open ourselves today with all our senses for the experiences of his arrival. By arrival we mean a future which is already present, yet without ceasing to be future. 'Jesus is in the process of coming'.

With Christ's coming in progress, so is the judgment. Do be frightened. The judgment is that we are beloved of God through Christ, Jesus. That is Good News that cannot be overcome by any power...not even our own. This judgment that is in our favor is the power for life to take a new direction in the face of any or all of the opinions of the day. The future will not change. The end of the story is known and secure. What changes the light of what we trust is true about the end.

Connection: Keep in mind the gift of God's love that is eternally for us. Now, what does that love have the ability to do within this day in which God has placed us? Go ahead let your imagination roam.

We come to you, O Lord, with the anxieties of this day even though we know that the end of all things are securely embraced by you. Fix our eyes on your coming so that we are not moved by other stories that try to own us and claim us. Amen.

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