Monday, January 24, 2005

25 January 2005

More to do with Hope - Jurgen Moltmann.

...the remembrance of Christ, for its part, throws open the wide horizons of the Christian hope. If the crucified Christ, on the foundation of his resurrection, has a future with God, then this means, conversely, that everything that is said about Christ says not only who he was and who he is, but must also say who he will be. With the familiar titles we give to Christ - Son of God, Son of man, Lord, Saviour, Redeemer - we are not merely expressing what he means for us; we are also saying what we expect of him. All the titles given to Christ are statements of hope.

It is this expectation that empowers us to face whatever will come for we will not be alone and the one who will be with us is the one who can take us through all things even to the end of all things. We do not know how things will end or when...we only know that the one who is call Saviour will save us - even if we do not know what that means in detail. It is our prayer that the one we call Lord will indeed rule in the way that is promised and no other power will preside over our life. That is why we continue to speak of peace beyond our understanding, love that binds all people together, justice that raises up the lowly and brings the mighty down a few notches, and mercy that gathers us in...all of us. We hope for the day when the vision of God's Reign comes.

Connection: As hard as it is to bring forth the life within God's Reign, remember that it comes and is coming and we are being swept up in its glory. Therefore, to be a part of that hopeful future is to be a part of today in just such a hope filled way. This may take courage and it may take the prayerfulness of a whole community together.

Lord of the New Day, as we move through all that will come upon us this day keep our eyes on the vision of your blessed Reign so that already...this day will shine with the light of your love. Amen.

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