Tuesday, February 15, 2005

16 February 2005

From "In the Beginning - The End" by Jurgen Moltmann.

There are two forms of hopelessness. The one is arrogance or presumption. The other is despair, the obliteration of every hope. In presumption we take the fulfillment of hope into our own hands, and no longer hope for God. In despair we doubt that there can ever be fulfillment, and destroy hope in ourselves.

I think many people would link hopelessness to despair. In our world, those who are arrogant can appear to have life in their command. But, my, what a horrible place to be...thinking that the world must me in our command and the future will not unfold in an appropriate way unless we have some say as to how it is to unfold. I know that I can dangle my feet in the abyss of despair, but I am most profoundly disturbed when I think and feel as though I must make the future happen and can make it happen. For in this second form of hopelessness, I know that others are pushed away and I, by my own action, am lost to myself.

Connection: First it is important to know that we are not alone in our hopelessness. We are in the company of legions. Second, we can stand at the edge of the abyss acknowledge its power and then hold hands and walk with others into hope. I emphasize others because the abyss can be an overwhelming power.

Lord of the Day to Come, as you reach out to pull us into the promises of your love make us bold so that we will invited others to come along the way with us. Amen.

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