Thursday, February 24, 2005

25 February 2005

Following a faulty is more from Walter Brueggemann.

The prophet is to provide the wherewithal whereby hope becomes possible again to a community of kings who now despair of their royalty. After a time kings become illiterate in the language of hope. Hope requires a very careful symbolization. It must not be expressed too fully in the present tense because hope one can touch and handle is not likely to retain its promissory call to a new future. Hope expressed only in the present tense will no doubt be co-opted by the managers of this age.

Unfortunately, this age is usually run by managers who only know how to run the world "by the book" and find it most difficult to look out beyond what is. I find this is quite the case within the church. We are people of vision and hopefulness and yet most often, we dare not leap beyond the way things have been done. It is as though we can see what is in hand and we therefore forget to pick up our heads to look at the horizon and to envision what else may be about to take place.

Connection: Do you have time in your day to experience that which is not written in your "to do" list or lesson plan or schedule of meetings and the like? Remember, imagination cannot be managed.

Keep us looking out into your future, Lord, and though we may be caught up in what is all around us, tickle us with your promises of what is to come. Amen.

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