Tuesday, February 8, 2005

9 February 2005

From "In the End - The Beginning" by Jurgen Moltmann

...the title of Kyrios - Lord - for the crucified Jesus is a counter-title aimed at the Roman Caesar, who gave himself the same title, lord of the world. Aut Christus, aut Ceasar - either Christ or Ceasar: the Christian martyrs took the point, and refused to conform to the emperor cult, so as not to fall into the hands of lies and demons. In this sense the Christian hope's proclamation of God is subversive talk of God Other lords and powers rule over us, but in you alone do we hope (Isaiah 26:13).

I know that some people do not like the title "Lord" to refer to Jesus because it comes from a patriarchal system. But, on the other hand, it is meant to be just that. It is meant to be a title that subverts the meaning in the face of the powers that love to be called Lord, Lord. We are followers of the Lord who does not act like the lords of the world's powers. We will acknowledge the only Lord of all...and we will step in behind that Lord and follow along the way into a whole new existence that will not be owned or run by any power claims in this world. Could we argue that "Lord" is a feminist term? My bet is we cannot. And yet, by definition of the one who is called Lord Jesus, the term is transformed or subverted so that any reference to our Lord cannot be tolerated by any who would like to be called lord. Lord, Jesus, defines the open and ever-liberating Reign in which we are all free from the oppressive structures that drain life from us rather than bring life to us.

Connection: Lord, Jesus, is a title that can have an impact on how we walk into this day. Who do you follow? What difference does it make that you follow this subversive Lord through the mundane motions of this day? We only know that as we learn to reflect on where Jesus leads us in all the paths of our lives.

Lord of our Life, take our hand and bring us along with you into the peaceable Reign of our God. Stir us up to see how our lives are changed by the simple remembrance of your position within God's promised Reign. Amen.

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