Wednesday, December 21, 2005

21 December 2005

Walter Brueggemann continues to discuss the poetry of 2nd Isaiah as he looks at exile and homecoming in "Hopeful Imagination."

(The poetry), as such, is not explained either by theological conviction or by political analysis, but by an inventive, creative act of poetry that means to speak this community out beyond present circumstance by the force of the poetic word, which is offered as the fresh decree of God's own mouth (46:11; 55:10-11). I am assuming that the power of language to shape reality and not just describe reality is true for us as well as for this poet. The poet does not only describe a new social reality but wills it. The very art of poetic speech establishes new reality. Public speech, the articulation of alternative scenarios of reality, is one of the key acts of ministry among exiles.

Wow. These words of the prophet and words of prophetic poets in every age can have that power "to speak this community out beyond present circumstance by the force of the poetic word." This is so vital for the community of faith to remember. It is also critical for the community of faith to return to the words of poets whenever we are in places of exile and need to return to home to a ground on which we will find new life and meaning to the work and life and play of this day. When the poet "wills" a new social reality, it is placed before us as a possibility. It may not be present in full form, but it is present in word. When it is present in word, it is present with a power that can see itself through defeat and exile and loss...because the word keeps painting that reality that is yet to be among us. Therefore, we can act now as though this new social reality is present. There may be reactions from others when we live in this new reality...people may not honor the truth and power of this new reality...but it is there for us to enter...and once it has been announced, there is no shutting it down.

Connection: We are invited to always begin the day by returning to this word of promise for new life. It may be easy to return to this word to hear it...but we are also invited to trust it as though it is the eternal truth. From there, the day can start from a whole new point of view.

By your Word, O God, you bring new seasons of life to us when we are facing times of utter brokenness. By your Word, you lift up our heads so that we are able to see what we so often forget is within the realm of this day. Abide with us, O God, and be our Word of life. Amen.

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