Tuesday, December 6, 2005

7 December 2005

Again from Stephen G. Ray, Jr. on sin-talk in "Do No Harm."

Yesterday we were led through a traditional way of viewing same-gender sexual relations that fits in with what Ray calls a category of sin-talk, that is, defilement/essentialization. He continues:
...homosexuals are depicted not only as doing bad things, but also as inherently corrupt in their being, in their "old nature." Far from being simply good people acting irresponsibly, they are "polluting the natural order." Not just their acts but their existence is considered repulsive. In many cases, this depictions suggests that because they offend the natural order of human relations, they are somehow less than humans.

Actions can be excused...and most people can excuse actions. That is why this sin-talk is so brutal and so destructive. It works to destroy the very being of people. It is so much like the way blacks were depicted in the U.S years ago and...for some...even now. In this way, the people can be ignored and the personality of the people can be ignored and the substance and character of the people can be ignored because there is ...this sin...that is the only aspect of these people...and it trumps all other views and images. I would suggest that such a view of homosexuals is a movement that I would call anti-Christ for it denies the essence of the Christ whose love breaks down and put to an end all the dividing walls. I would also say that the only people that have any choice in regard to homosexuality are those who "chose" to turn them into objects and non-persons and chose to do whatever is possible to eliminate them.

Connection: Objects are things we can choose to play with during the days of our lives. People are gifts from God and a part of us as we are a part of the whole human family. Beware of how quickly we can make objects of people and how quickly we can then discard them...in many and various ways.

Lord of All Creation, how is it that you can love all of your creation and make no distinction between any of your beloved children and yet, we your children love to play the games of life that cause us to run from one another rather than greet one another in peace and love? Remind us again in this day of your love that is also ours. Amen.

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