Tuesday, December 27, 2005

27 December 2005

Walter Brueggemann continues writing about imagination toward what will be in "Hopeful Imagination."

The practice of such poetic imagination is the most subversive redemptive act that a leader of a faith community can undertake in the midst of exiles. This work of poetic alternative in the long run is more crucial than one-to-one pastoral care or the careful implementation of institutional goals. That is because the work of poetic imagination holds the potential of unleashing a community of power and action that finally will not be contained by any imperial restrictions and definitions of reality.

I have a large piece of artwork in our living room on which I have written a number of quotes from a variety of people. It just so happens that when I stepped back from the piece years ago, I realized that all of the quotes dealt with hope. As I read this comment by Brueggemann, I thought that part of it would fit well on that piece of "hopeful" art. In some ways, I think it would be grand if within the one-to-one pastoral care or in the implementation of institutional goals there was always the presence of this kind of poetic imagination. For people in crisis, there can be nothing better than the ability to envision something beyond what it causing the tumble into crisis. This means that people must begin to re-define what is possible and attempt to see things as they cannot see them within the condition they now find themselves. There are so many ways that we are ruled by and run by "imperial restrictions and definitions of reality" that we do not let ourselves open our eyes to focus on that which is not a part of the world we have been handed or the world in which we have been nurtured to see. As is so often the case, I think some people have the gift of poetic imagination but most of all, I think that many people need this imagination to be created through the voice of a community - with a little help from my friends...and enemies.

Connection: If you have a tough time seeing beyond your world in which you are walking everyday, try to find others whose view is outside your daily patterns of life. There may be some conflict and there may also be some wonderful discovery.

Too often, O God, it takes more courage that we have to step into the images of life that are often spun from the pen and mouths of poets. But we trust that you give us that courage as you bring within our lives the people who help us to see new places to walk with you. Praise and thanks to your, O God. Amen.

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