Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Merton on the will of God.

How am I to know the will of God? Even where there is no other more explicit claim on my obedience, such as a legitimate command, the very nature of each situation usually bears written into itself some indication of God's will. For whatever is demanded by truth, by justice , by mercy, or by love must surely be taken to be willed by God. To consent to His will is, then, to consent to be true, or speak truth, or at least to seek it. To obey Him is to respond to his will expressed in the need of another person, or at least to respect the rights of others.

I was touched again to hear that obedience to God is to take note and be moved to act for the welfare of the needs of others. With that in mind, there is no disconnect between any of us. We are a part of this grand vision of God's will that knits together all things. Too often, though, we do not or will not or cannot see the connection and therefore we are stuck with ourselves and miss out on the field of love that sways when the breath of God's promises bring truth and justice and peace and mercy right into the very depths of who we are.

Connection: When and where will you not how God's love has become a part of this day in the middle of our interactions with others?

Grant us the patience to listen again and look again and then, in that time, see your love present as the source of our life together, O God. It is as we learn to breathe that we learn to see more than that which we so often move by so quickly. Hold our lives and inspire our patience and vision. Amen.

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