Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday 30 May 2008

The week ends with a movement away from talking of plants and talking about what we are intended to be.

But what about you? What about me?
unlike the animals and the trees, it is not enough for us to be what our nature intends. It is not enough for us to be individual people. For us, holiness is more than humanity. If we are never anything but people,...we will not be saints and we will not be able to offer to God the worship of our imitation, which is sanctity.
It is true to say that for me sanctity consists in being myself and for you sanctity consists of being your self and that, in the last analysis, your sanctity will never be mine and mine will never be yours, except in the communism of charity and grace.

We are not merely a category. We are individuals. We are beloved as a category in creation but we are made holy as we emerge in life as the beloved of God - each of us as we are gifted. In the last sentence of this quote, I was really struck by how our sanctity - as individuals - can and does and will be magnified as we come together in the communal acts of charity and grace. For when these attributes are blended into one moving force - one body, its gift of life is magnified and the whole creation is seen with new eyes that care beyond my own care and bless beyond my own blessing and share beyond my own ability to share. Humanity is blessed as each of us - within our own sanctity - join in the celebration of our life-giving power in God's creation.

Connection: Does this sound odd or what - be a part of the communism of charity and grace.

Lord of the Community, grace us with your presence and encourage us to join with one another as we offer up our gifted lives to bring new life to our world through your grace and wisdom. Amen.

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