Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday 3 October 2008

Ending the week on a note about resurrection is good - by Stanley Hauerwas.

The risk of so valuing life can only be taken on the basis of the resurrection of Jesus as God's decisive eschatological act. For through Jesus' resurrection we see God's peace as a present reality. Though we continue to live in a time when the world does not dwell in peace, when the wolf cannot dwell with the lamb and a child cannot play over the hole of the asp, we believe nonetheless that peace has been made possible by the resurrection. Through this crucified but resurrected savior we see that God offers to all the possibility of living in peace by the power of forgiveness.

It is no wonder people are so confounded by the lack of the peace of the Reign of God in the world around us. There is so much emphasis on the peace that will come some day...or the peace that will break in down the road...that we do not let ourselves be open to the peace that is possible as we walk in the way of Jesus today. That wonderful vision of peace from the prophet Isaiah brings into view the way the contrary images of the world are ones that can become a part of the wholeness of our lives when we do not let them remain adversaries or enemies. To do that, we look to the power of the resurrection...the power that breaks the warfare and brutality and fear of the world and presents an alternative - forgiveness that cannot be overcome by any power of death. It is in that reminder of the center of the Good News that we are now available to the world around us as good news every day. We are already a part of that news and we are encouraged to be the ones who risk to live in that life that does - at times - get people crucified.

Connection: If you fear crucifixion like I do...than join me in helping one another remember the promise of life that comes as death has been defeated and we need not fear what may be in our path.

Lead us and guide us O God. Lead us and guide us this day as though our hearts are set within peaceable Reign - already. Amen.

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