Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday 13 October 2008

The resurrection again see through the eyes of Stanley Hauerwas.

Only if our Lord is a risen Lord, therefore, can we have the confidence and the power to be a community of forgiveness. For on the basis of the resurrection we have the presumption to believe that God has made us agents in the history of the kingdom. the resurrection is not a symbol or myth through which we can interpret our individual and collective dyings and risings. Rather the resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate sign that our salvation comes only when we cease trying to interpret Jesus' story in the light of our history, and instead we interpret ourselves in the light of his. For this is no dead Lord we follow but the living God, who having dwelt among us as an individual, is now eternally present to us making possible our living as forgiven agents of God's new creation.

I like the suggestion that we are "agents in the history of the kingdom" because we are not left to be simply people who talk about the "kingdom" or wonder about a time when we will be in the "kingdom." We are how the kingdom is see - represented. We are a part of the living out of what kingdom is. The power that is at the very center of who we are as we live as agents of this living God is the power of forgiveness. It is a strange power in our world. It rarely is let loose as powerfully as it was in Jesus - God in the flesh. And yet we are called into its power within our everyday participation in the history of the kingdom. Forgiveness is always a game-changer. It changes the story line of so many of our ways of continuing along a road of war and bitterness and fear. From the resurrection, we are reminded that this life of Jesus is a life that is available and possible because we are never left alone to step forward into this life. We are people who have our God alongside and bidding us to not fear the path of forgiveness and the new life it brings.

Connection: Forgiveness is always available to us. It is the power of the Lord who promises to abide with us...even when we would rather not forgive.

When you walk with us, O God, we are encouraged to walk in the ways of your beloved, Jesus. At times, it is not the way we would choose to walk and yet you continue to call us forward and leap into the way of forgiveness. Sometimes leaping seems beyond our capabilities. And yet, you promise to be with us as we let go...and go. Amen.

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