Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday 19 January 2009

As you may be seeing, I'm playing with Robert Bertram's writings on the Confessions. In my reading, I'm finding some room to invite us all to move beyond church rules that may be at odds with the essential gospel of the Church - especially when it adds something to this gospel. the Formula of Concord came to see, it is quite another matter when practices which in themselves may be neutral or at least negotiable are instead insisted upon as essential, "necessary," even "necessary for righteousness and salvation," and are imposed "by force or chicanery." When that happens, it is time for Christians to refuse submission - "for the truth of the gospel" (Formula of Concord, 10-13). but in their calling now for such public disobedience, the concordists are still only carrying out the implications of the original confession at Augsburg, which likewise had repudiated any and all religious authority which presumed to demand more than the gospel: "...we have God's command not to be obedient in such cases." (Augsburg Confessions XXVIII,23).

The language that is used here sparks images of Ash Wednesday and the "imposition of ashes." That cross that is placed on our foreheads reminds us of the truth of the gospel story and the story of our lives. The saving work of Jesus pulls us into new life even as we are marked by death. No other other word, can be imposed upon us. And yet, too often that which becomes primary in the political working of the church is that which is not the essence of the Good News. Rather, we pick and choose what we cannot tolerate - often what we fear - and we let go of the grace that moves us and guides us through fears...rather than be controlled by them. I would again submit that our insistence that people abide by certain ideas and rules and opinions takes us beyond the good news of the Reign of God and calls for something to be added to the gospel. These other views and rules abandon the Good News for another word that does not open up the life within the Reign of God in Christ, Jesus. When that happens, we need not be quiet about saying "No."

Connection: Radical grace shines brightly. From day to day, we are invited to re-view the gracious rule of our Lord, Jesus. This will help us all to see what is being added and at least question and discuss where we are going.

Reigning Lord, you invite and you re-create by your grace. Within that realm we are faced with such love and forgiveness and new life that we are given the vision to see when your Reign is being turned into something less than that which is ruled by the resurrected Lord, Jesus. Be the encouragement that sustains us in these days. Amen.

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