Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday 20 January 2009

More from Robert Bertram and a time for confessing.

The time for confessing arrives when adiaphora (non-essentials) are imposed as a necessity, but not only adiaphora! Perhaps more often than not what is forced upon the church by its authorities was not an adiaphoron in the first place, was not something neutral as that, even potentially, but was simply, intolerably evil.
For instance, there are institutional policies and practices "which are basically contrary to the Word of God" and equally perverse, which are submitted to simply in order "to avoid persecution" or in order to "create the illusion" that the oppressor is not really oppressing the gospel. Such evils never were adiaphora to begin with and certainly dare not be disguised as such.
Moreover, any attempt by religious authorities to force such outright evils on the church must be met openly with Paul's strategy of withdrawal and disengagement: "Do not be mismated with unbelievers...Come out from them and be separate from them..." The church is "not to be associated with and not to support impiety and unjust cruelty.

In the life of our church today there are many decisions made about who can and who cannot be a part of the complete fellowship of the church. The most notable, as I have stated previously in this series of devotions, is the full inclusion of gay and lesbian saints into the complete ministry and mission of the congregation. I would suggest that there is so much diversity of opinion about how Scripture addresses or does not address this situation of our day that we must act as though the whirlwind of actions put into place to excluded full participation are a part of the "non-essential" work of the church. Rather, in the light of the radical grace of the Good News, show no partiality and welcome all. Then as we are the gathering of the saints - as we move along through the days ahead as one body - we will gain the wisdom necessary to see if or what actions will help to guide us as a community of Christ. It may be that some of those who have wanted to restrict complete fellowship will find that their arguments can no longer hold up in the face of the visible life of the congregation. Then again, those who push for inclusion may find out that some of their arguments for inclusion may also demonstrate a partiality that does the church no good. So...for now, we may be a church or congregation open to receive saints once excluded because of issues of sexuality that cannot be considered a part of the gospel message that is to be shape of our life together.

Connection: Listen to the reasons behind the need of some to restrict some saints from a complete involvement in the life of the church. It may really have nothing to do with the Good News...but if it does, we must lean forward and enter into more discussion.

Creator of the Universe and all that is, the life you bring to us is full of your grace. We are free to be pulled into your Reign that ignites a life in which all your people have a place to be shaped and sent in the name of your beloved, Jesus. When we are becoming that good news shape, make us bold so that no one will be pushed away from that which is our life and hope and joy. Amen.

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