Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday 15 January 2008

Today I want to continue to play with some of Robert Bertram's thoughts on confessing.

...the Augustana (Augsburg Confession) continues, "it is not necessary for the true unity of the Christian church that ceremonies instituted by human beings should be observed uniformly in all places" (AC VII,3; also XV). For in the last analysis such ceremonies are really only "adiaphora," as already the Apology called them. But before long, crucially at the Leipzig Interim (1548). some of these very confessors - including Philip Melanchthon, the Augustana's and Apology's chief author - seemed to capitulate to imperial pressure and to Roman ceremonial impositions after all.
Ironically, these compromisers excused themselves by exploiting the Augustana's satis est. For, they argued, aren't even the oppressors' unpalatable practices mere non-essentials (adiaphora)? Then why not for the sake of public peace, put up with them? Now suddenly some of the confessors were speaking as if "ceremonies instituted by human beings should be observed uniformly" after all.

Many concerns come to mind as I read this. In one way I want to address myself to the notion that whether or not a congregation decides to make "same-gender covenant ceremonies" a part of the ministry of its life together may be considered "adiaphora" - non essential to the life of the congregation. At the same time, I am also pulled to suggest that the larger church attempting to make much of the prohibiting such action is also part of this dealing with "adiaphora." Having said that, I realize that I may not be in any one's camp. What I would press for is the way that the Good News of Jesus, Christ, comes to life. That life, I suggest, cannot come to be if congregations are pressed into doing such things as part of their ministry and mission - just as you cannot press a congregation into making a commitment to community organizing a part of its ministry and mission. Yes, I my eyes, both could be very beneficial to a congregation and both would be a way of coming to rest on the Gospel alone. On the other hand, those who would argue that the complete inclusion of gay and lesbians into the life of a congregation is forbidden are really standing for something "more" than the gospel witness. For now, human sexuality becomes a condition of one's place within the baptized community and the life of the Reign of God that is ours to enter. This wider expression of the church would do well to drop its sexual adiaphora and uphold all congregations that faithfully call one another into the life of grace within God's Reign.

Connection: It is enough to bring us together in Christ. When that takes place - when Christ is the center - we can handle the "other" stuff. That is part of the life we have been handed. We bring light to that which appears to be chaos. That is the saving journey we all enter every day. That is how we have an impact on the world around us.

Blessed Lord, you have given us a life full of brokenness and bitterness and fear, and yet you invite us to be your blessed people who bring healing and peace and joy to all. Continue to inspire us so that we are living witnesses to a grace that has no stopping point. Amen.

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