Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday 18 December 2009

It is later than usual for a Friday post and I would like to move away (just for today) from the recent pieces by Michael Battle on Ubuntu.

Today I had another one of those moments as a pastor that I cherish. We had a baby born in our congregation and I simply love waiting until the mother and child are settled a bit and then go in and make a short visit. Today's visit was a bit different. Before I left for the hospital, I finished my sermon for the 4th Sunday of Advent. The text from Luke includes the Magnificat. I realized what an amazing thing is said to Mary by Elizabeth when Mary comes to visit. "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb." But it is not only amazing because it is about Jesus' birth to come. When I went into the mother's room at the hospital I said I needed to share these words: Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Isn't that what all mothers need to hear? Doesn't that say to them that the world is about to change and from them will come a part of the changing of the next generation? I also thought that we all need to see one another as blessed - rather than as just another person who can be lost in the crowd. Bless is the mother...blessed is her daughter...bless are all who walk around as the sons and daughters of our God. Sometimes we don't remind each other of that fact that is announced to us as part of the Good News. I knew I was going to say that to them as I was going into the room. When it came time, I almost lost it. I said it in a matter of fact way - really meant it...really felt it...and wow, what a bright spot in the day.

Connection: How blessed we are...all of us - and filled with the likes of a blessed people, the day becomes one full of blessings for all.

Author of All Life, you stir up a love that is deep and wide. You remind us of the worth of each child and the wonder that comes to life when the world is faced with new life blessed by you. Thanks be to you, O God. Amen.

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