Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday 29 December 2009

More of the Christian Theology of Ubuntu - by Michael Battle.

...a spirituality of Ubuntu is more about participation in the process of becoming lovable persons. Because God's love is what defines humanity, persons are liberated from the desire to achieve, to impress, and - most of all - to turn human persons into things or objects. Tutu states, "We are the children of the divine love and nothing can change that fundamental fact about us." The deduction that God has made us lovable persons in Christ encourages a Christian spirituality in which all of life becomes interdependent.

So we are invited into a process that is the realization of what is already the situation - we are beloved of God - "children of the divine love." That is the power that shapes our day. Just as Jesus was the Word made Flesh, so too are we. As the beloved of God - a word already in the mix about us - there is nothing we are to do to be the lovable children of God. It is already our character. We now step into is all. This changes how we see and interact with everyone. No longer is there a need to be some "other" that we fear or hate. Rather, they, like us, are "children of the divine love." Some folks would say, "Yeah, but they don't know it." Well, it is my thought that we don't always live as though we know it either. The great freedom in being beloved is that we are much more easily tied to others - because we have a common foundation for life.

Connection: No need to impress others...we need only share what we are - beloved. It may just change the whole day.

Lord of Love, as you continue to knit us together as your one people, remind us of the love that draws us all to you and to one another. This is not always a path we choose to follow and yet it is the truth of your Reign. Lead us. Amen.

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