Thursday, June 10, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 10 June, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

  We continue on with Moltmann on spirituality.
 'The body belongs to the Lord', declares Paul, and who would contradict him?  But he goes on: 'and the Lord belongs to the body', so 'glorify God in your body' (1 Corinthians 6:13).  That is unheard of, and has hardly been understood right down to the present day.  It wasn't Paul who talked about 'God and the soul'; it was Augustine.  and he did so in order to leave the body, nature and 'this world' behind.  How did we come to move away from the vitality of a life lived wholly and entirely out of God to the spirituality of a disembodied inwardness, a not-of-this-world life in God?  Can we turn back again and rediscover the origin of the divine Spirit which makes us free to live?
 Nothing is left behind.  This is it.  This is the fullness of God's creation and we live in the midst of it all as God's beloved - whole beings.  We do not and cannot separate out the parts of us.  We be one whole being!  With that as our guiding vision, nothing is left out or left behind.  In fact, all things are empowered to be a part of the whole of creation  and we leave out nothing.  We encourage life to be upheld and expanded.  No longer can we separate lives into spiritual kinds of things and fleshy kinds of things.  There is no separation.  Because of that, all of life is vitally important.  We don't just pray - we act.  We don't just act - we pray.  The two actions are to be as though they are one -  a life full of Spirit and direction and intention.
Connection:  So how is your life today. How is the whole thing and can you fell whether or not your are wholly present?

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