Thursday, June 24, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 25 June, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today will be part one of Moltmann's comments about humanity desires.
 Human beings are erotic beings through and through, but their eros can never fulfil its desires in this world because it is animated and attracted by the infinite beauty of God, the highest good, and it is only in God that it can find happiness.  If the soul's hunger loses sight of God, it turns to things which are not God, and is disappointed. Nothing is more dangerous in this world than disappointed love and love that has miscarried.  Disappointed love for God which has missed its mark is the power that destroys, the fury of annihilation. 
 Another word for that which is not God and that which we pursue is the path of idolatry - or a false god.  It can be quite anything.  And yet, these things that are not God never are complete and whole and fully satisfying.  They fall short - miss the mark - disappoint.  I was caught up in the last sentence when he writes of disappointed love for God which missed its mark as being "the power that destroys, the fury of annihilation."  Wow, strong images. I know that we will give our lives in order to protect and strengthen and support those things to which we have given over our lives. That can be country - wealth - family - intellectual pursuits - health - status - etc.  Get in the way of someone who has given him/herself over to a love of something less than God and watch out.  This is the stuff that brings about warfare and division and strife - no matter what it will cost.  I wondered again about the simple fact that we do not have to pursue the love of God.  It is an eternal reality that embraces us even as we fly away to other things.  All the more important to remember to "rest in God alone." 
 Connection: God stirs up our hearts to new life and hopefulness.  Other things usually trouble our hearts and launch us into despair - and yet we continue to go after them.
 Loving Lord we long for you alone even when we are drawn to other things we let rule us.  By the power of you Spirit, guide us as we walk through this day.  Amen.

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