Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 9 June, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 Today is a direct follow-up to the train of thought from yesterday where there was no divide between spirit and body.  Again from "The Source of Life" by Jurgen Moltmann in the chapter 'Life's New Spirituality."
 In the tempest of the divine Spirit of life, the final springtime of the whole creation begins, according to the Christian hope, and the people who already experience the Spirit's power here and now sense how vital and how worth loving their life again becomes.  When this Spirit is 'poured out upon all flesh', the sick, the frail and mortal body becomes 'the temple of the Holy Spirit'.
 And this Spirit is being pour out.  That is part of our foundational storytelling.  The church becomes the church as the Spirit spill out upon all flesh and we are able to see life that was previously not a part of the picture we were allowed to see. With this Spirit being poured out like that - on all flesh - what flesh could possibly be left out - what flesh could possibly left out of the creative movement of the Holy Spirit from generation to generation?  Today, we have too many folks who cannot envision the Spirit still making a mess of things.  That is, being poured out anew and moving life into new directions within life that some think must be "just so" and not "just like THAT."  It cannot be said enough that this does not mean that anything goes. Rather, I would suggest that we no longer have control or think we can have control.  Within the vision of the Reign of God, the Spirit has quite a bit of room to pull and push and tip us over to make us ready to step into what is not yet - even as we are anxious about every single step.  All along the way the Spirit lead us - all of us ordinary folk - we are being transformed into that temple of the Holy Spirit that is filled with all truth and grace and mercy.
Connection: So how is it that we let fear and anxiety rule us when something that is not yet is proposed among us?  This is for all of us to remember - not just "those" folks.

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