Friday, September 10, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -10 September, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This being the day prior to our national remembrance of 9/11, the commotion over the Islamic Cultural Center in Manhattan near the Twin Tower site, and the bad behavior of a Florida pastor, I cannot simple ignore this stuff as we talk of death and resurrection from James Alison's book "The Joy of Being Wrong."
We might put this more simply by saying that the presence of the crucified and risen Lord to the disciples revealed that humans are wrong about God and about humanity, not simply wrong as mistaken, but wrong as actively involved in death.  And this being wrong does not matter any longer, because we can now receive the truth, and thus life, from the forgiving victim.  This then might be said to be a first approximation to original sin: that the doctrine of original sin is the doctrine according to which divine forgiveness makes known the accidental nature of human mortality, thus permitting an entirely new anthropological understanding. 
We are a people stuck in the whirlwind of unforgiveness and it is something that never stops.  It may slow down and we may begin to see things a bit more clearly but when there is just a drop of the blood or bad air of something that has gone wrong, the wind of terror and death and pain and revenge seems to have its way with us. Our faith story tells us that this deadly wind is not one that can overcome the wind of the Spirit of forgiveness and new life and eternal healing.  And yet, we so easily breath in the foul air of hatred and brokenness and death as though it will keep us safe.  In reality, it only makes us produce more of the same foul air into the world as it is.  The power of resurrection is one that creates a new reality and moves us out of the spinning whirlwind of death. It is not a story we finally cling to.  Rather we are taken up by odd balls whose need for attention is so great that forgiveness, reconciliation, open-hearted love is just left out and crazy actions follow.  I am firmly in support of the Cultural Center being erected in NYC.  I think it is an action that makes us step into a new way of being the liberated and free people we are.  That is both as followers of Jesus but then also as citizens of this very free country.  Note that I did not associated being a follower of Jesus with being a citizen of the U.S.  They are not the same and never will be.  In the meantime, though, followers of Jesus have an opportunity to witness to the power and reality of resurrection in a world that still spins death and brokenness.  We can understand ourselves in a new light that gives us a new step to take in the lives ahead of us. 
Connection: There is such a opportunity for the followers of Jesus to make an impression on the rest of the world.  If we can stop being led by the spirit of death.
Lord of the Resurrection, come upon us and make us bold. Amen.

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