Thursday, September 23, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -22 September, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today we will continue with this God who is relationship with us.
This God is fully engaged in interaction with several partners and is variously impinged upon and evoked to new responses and - we may believe - to new  dimensions of awareness and resolve.  Because so much of the faith of Israel is "talking faith' in liturgy, oracle, and narrative, we may say that YHWH is a party to a dialogic exchange what never reaches closure.  Rather, like any good dialogue, YHWH  is engaged in an interaction with YHWH's partners that always pushes to a new possibility, that makes demands  upon both parties, and that opens up fresh possibilities for the relationship.  To be sure, in any particular utterance from YHWH's side, there may be an accent of finality.  The wonder, however, is that after any such cadence of finality, there is always another text, another utterance, and another engagement.
I found this piece to be so good to read.  I need to be reminded that our God is a God who speaks to us.  It is never over.  There may be one voice in one time and place, but God does not then shut up and say "that's it folks."  God go on with us.  The "with us" is vital to the vision of God's Reign.  For as the voice stays with us and we stay within the conversation, more is heard.  What was said once may be matched by a voice that is quite at odds with what we want to be the final word.  Even the final word that we are beloved is open to more.  It is the alpha and the omega of news to us, but there are plenty of words that help us to see what it means to be the beloved.  So, we keep listening and never settle for one conversation.  We are always being "pushed to a new possibility."  To often, religious folks want a God who is set in time and nothing is to change.  Unfortunately, that is only the 'boiler plate' of God's many unfolding gifts to us as God's Word challenges us and takes us beyond any simple world view.  More and more I love this God who is willing to play with us so that we are all carried into a new dimension of joy in God's Reign.
Connection: What are some 'boiler plate' ideas of God that have been expanded as times has passed and you have come to see and hear God in new ways.
O God, who was and is and is to be, keep talking.   Amen.

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