Thursday, September 30, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -29 September, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

From the section 'Jewish Probes of the Dialogical,' Brueggemann now lists three people who made contributions to this way of seeing and reading.  Today is the second person: Franz Rosenzweiz.
The creator God enacted creation as a monologue.  The monologue is transposed into dialogue when the "I" of creation answers back.  The "I" who answers back to the "Thou" of God does not do so willingly, however, but prefers to hide.  Rosenweig clearly alludes to the narrative of Genesis 2 and 3 in this judgment, though the text is not cited: 'To God's 'Where art Thou?' the man had still kept silence as defiant and blocked Self.  Now, called by his name, twice, in a supreme definiteness that could not but be heard, now he answers, all unlocked, all spread apart, all ready, all-soul: 'Here I am."  It is when the answering "I" hears that dialogue ensues, that dialogue is on God's terms.  And when one asks about hearing and obeying, the focus us upon commandment.
God pulls humanity into a dialogue.  The creating voice of God that brings all things into being by simply lifting up God's voice is also the voice that begins conversation - dialogue.  It is then here that we begin to find out a bit more of who we are to be and the life of conversation we are to enter with our God.  It will be an endless conversation that is a necessary part of the ongoing action within creation.  God commands and in that command, calls us into action and that action is a part of an ongoing back-and-forth that leads us all away from isolation and into the creative of community that is shaped by God's words.  The commanding voice invites us to discuss and wrestle and attempt to deal with the day at hand and who we are becoming.  We are not to be a 'defiant and blocked Self' even when we do such things that make us want to hide in silence.  It is within the dialogue that light shines and new life can unfold.
Connection:  As the day continues it is good to face the day and enter in with a simple: Here I am.  Link with the commanding voice of our God life now has a creative direction. 
O God, whose Word lifts us into new life - when you engage us you pull us into life we often try to avoid.  Continue to engage us when we are being defiant.  Amen.

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