Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 19 October, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today we continue with "YHWH's Originary Love for Israel."

 This action of YHWH - this inexplicable, irreversible commitment of YHWH - is rendered in two distinct narratives: the stories of the ancestors (Genesis 12-36) and the Exodus-Sinai narrative revolving around Moses (Exodus 1 - 24).  In these two very different narratives, YHWH is sovereign power speaks, and by promissory decree evokes Israel into existence.  In Genesis 12:1-3 YHWH addresses barren Sarah and failed Abraham, and issues a summons, command, and promise.  In Exodus 3:7-10 YHWH addresses bondaged Israel and issues a promise that is subsequently matched by command (cf. Exodus 20:1-17).
These two dissimilar versions of initiation no doubt reflect very different circles of tradition.  They are, nonetheless, agreed on the main purpose.  The people that became Israel are themselves without hope, possibility, or future.  The sorry situation of these people, barren and bondaged, is dramatically transformed by the sovereign utterance of YHWH.  No ground or rationale is given for the utterance of YHWH, but because the utterance is on the lips of the Holy One, the utterance must be accepted, embraced, and obeyed by Israel.
There are several stories that attempt to help the people Israel see what it is that God would have with them.  Chosen is a powerful word to me.  Chosen - in the cases sited here - has to do with creating something out of nothing.  A beaten down, barren people will be where God begins to make a witness to the world as to how God's beloved are to be a people to whom the nations and the tribes of the world will look at with amazement.  The Chosen are chose for life.  The story of God's relationship with Israel is one in which both sides must wrestle (take the Jacob story from this Sunday) with who the people are being called to be and how the people are doing at being those people.  This is never to be a Chosen who get a free pass - it is a Chosen that marks them with responsibility for the well-being of the whole world. If it is anything less, then it is merely a tribal story of no consequence to those outside Israel.  Even when the great prophets yelled and hollered, they did so to call the people back to being who they were chose to be.  In their growth of power, Israel was losing its touch with the stories of being chosen.
Connection:  I find these references back to these stories vital for looking at the present day situation in Israel and Palestine.  If a great prophet would come today, what would be the witness of that prophet?
O God, whose love become the power to shape us, lead your holy people so that their light will shine and they will draw all people to you Reign. Amen.

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